Thursday, December 17, 2009

My boyfriend's cats

My boyfriend has all these animals. He has 2 ferrets and 3 cats. One of the cat's is really sick and all mange looking. Thankfully his place didn't smell as bad as I thought it was going to.

So he calls me last night (like a good stalker boyfriend) to tell me that he "found" a 4th cat. I guess he was outside of his apt. building. He took it in. He kept asking me things. Like, should I keep it (as if I care), or what should I name it (again, as if I care).

I haven't had the heart to tell him yet that I really don't like cats at all. I've already told him that I'm more of a dog person. He has no idea the extent of which this is true!!! Thankfully his cats stayed hidden for the most part during the time I spent at his place. Hopefully this will continue to be the case. Maybe he can start hiding too!!


  1. You should break the news about not liking cats (btw...what about the ferrets?? that might be worse). If he offers to get rid of the cats then you know for sure you have a stalker on your hands.

  2. HAHA!! I know, the longer I go with not liking cats, the more made up it will sound when I do break up with him and tell him I hate cats and love little dogs!! Just got a text from him!
