Friday, January 22, 2010

Just A Few Updates

I just have some general updates for you today.

- Cheating apples (see post from December 2009) - I actually saw him, in person. He works at the Apple store, a friend needed a new iPod, I went with him, and saw the cheater in person. No, I didn't say anything, I have no idea if he recognized me but I recognized him from his pics. Yes, I knew there was a chance I’d see him, yes, I wanted to take the chance, NOOOO, I’m not a stalker. Well, ok, maybe a little bit.

- I have plans to meet a guy that works for Google next week. I hope to come out of the night with either a husband, a job at Google, or the new Google phone. One can only dream.

- I spoke with Glasses Dave on the phone. I don't think it'll go anywhere. After he went on about women who often disappear on him (stop calling, emailing), and his favorite tv shows for an hour (only my favorite topic IF I actually WATCH the shows), and I told him I had to hang up, his response - "but it's so early". This all ended up working out well for me. Too many Daves are never a good thing.

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