Monday, June 7, 2010

Lesson learned

Note – guys to do NOT like it when you call them a perv, child toucher, weird or a creep.

I can’t help it, sometimes their pictures make them look like the above names. And I feel that it might be my duty to ask them if they are. I’m not pointing fingers and calling them these names, I’m only asking if they touch children or if they are weird. If they aren’t, they should have an equally good comeback for me that leads to engaging conversation. If they are, they might get mad and call me names.

Lesson learned.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Oh Canada

My newest annoyance is people who contact me like it’s the first time after I’ve already told them I didn’t think we’d be a good match. Brown_eyes1984 first reached out to me on 5/17. He’s 25 and just moved here from Canada. I let him know that he was a little too young for anything romantic but if he wanted we could talk and stuff. After he didn’t reply, I assumed he wasn’t interested. Then on 6/1, he contacts me again. To tell me that he just moved to NJ and was looking to meet new people. Um hello 25 year old with brown eyes, you already told me this!! So I told him that we’ve been over this before, I knew that he just moved here from Canada, I asked if he was casting the net so wide that he forgot who all he’s contacted, then I suggested he make a chart or something to keep track. Again, no reply. So odd!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

vanguy4u, you are blocked!

I had to block the vanguy4u guy. I corrected myself to tell him that I was asking if he had a van that he used to kidnap small children. After he told me that wasn’t a very nice thing to ask, he started sending me poems. He told me that he made them up himself on the spur of the moment. The poems are even too disturbing to post. In fact, I feel disgusted just thinking about it. So gross!!! So I blocked him. I’ve never blocked anyone before so I don’t know what happens but I do know that he hasn’t contacted me since, so I guess the blocking worked!