Thursday, May 20, 2010

I don't have a van

So I heard back from vanguy4u. But when he replied I realized that I had made a typo in my email to him. I wanted to ask him if “HE” had a van that said “free candy” on the side of it. But instead I typed “I”. I was asking if “I” had a van that said free candy!! These damn fat fingers. I had typed it from my phone and the buttons are really small and my fingers are really fat. So he was all confused and told me that he didn’t know if I had a van. Damnit!!!!!!! I totally suck.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

General updates

And since I’ve been gone I thought I’d give some updates

- Party Hat Joe – I haven’t heard from him in a while. The last time I heard was about a month ago. I might be due for another text from him soon.
- Smallest Horse in The World – I am no longer speaking with him. I told him I wasn’t interested in meeting up with him that much. He pleaded one more time to meet up, asking me to reject him on his looks, not his personality. I gave up and stop replying. Then he de-friended me on facebook. The horror.
- Tallest Horse In The World – I still talk with him a lot. He’s busy so it’s hard to hang out with him but all is good on this frontier
- I asked vanguy4u if he had a van that had the words “free candy” written on the side, still waiting for his response.
- The BF with all the cats that told his mom about me the Monday after our date on Saturday – I last heard from him about a month ago. I might be due for another text soon too.

Those are all the updates for now.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I don’t want to seem like a stalker even though I totally am.

I originally bonded with this new Stalker over many conversations about Lost, the TV show. We seemed to hit it off even though he did seem a bit neurotic and didn’t have a real job of sorts but instead had a mishmash of odd jobs – cataloging some billionaire’s books, juice truck, some retail. But whatever, to each his own. Initially I had cancelled on Stalker a few times because I was sick and not getting better. But we finally met up a few weekends ago. I was still a little sick but we met for a drink and food. He was for sure a little geeky, nice overall, but there really wasn’t any sparks there. We didn’t have much in common other than Lost. BUT he hadn’t even watched all seasons, he only started watching it THIS year bc his roommate was a fan and would have people over(!!!!!). However he really wanted to hang out again. So I had agreed to hang out the next Thursday. Wednesday came and I really didn’t feel like hanging out, so I called him to cancel. He wanted to reschedule to the weekend, I was busy, except maybe Sunday. He wanted to meet up Sunday, I asked if we could play it by ear. Sunday came, I was running around doing errands and got an email. His email asked if it was too pushy to insist on seeing me (my head is screaming YES!!!) that day. I didn’t reply. So a half hour later, he sent me a text saying he didn’t want to seem like a “stalker”….blablalba. In my head I’m thinking, but you totally are a stalker! So I told him no, I was busy running errands, I hadn’t even showered that day, it’d have to be another time. We’ll see how this all ends up, sagas are always to be continued as always!!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Get In My Van....

So I’m back! At least for a little bit this week.

I was recently contacted by a man that calls himself “vanguy4u”. He is 50 year’s old. His name just screams “I kidnap children” all over it. And what did he have to say to me, you wonder? He wanted to tell me that he liked my profile, he wants to have a drink, he likes to travel, but is also content at staying home, watching tv, cuddling and ice cream. Again, kidnapper. I haven’t replied to vanguy yet. I don’t think I want to be kidnapped in a van this week. I’d rather stay safe.

PS – this is NOT his van, I have no idea what his van looks like. This is just what his van looks like in my head. I actually don’t even know that he has a van or just calls himself van guy. Who knows anymore!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Stay Tuned

So you are probably wondering where I’ve been, has the anonymous dick scared me away. Fear not! I cannot be scared away by someone will not identify him/her self to me in real life. Get out of here! I’ve actually been busy, and this week I’ve been sick. But don’t you worry, I’ve been using this time to talk to a lot of gems so I’ll have plenty to talk about when I get better. Check back in after a week or so. And in the meantime, enjoy some of the past memories!