Wednesday, May 19, 2010

General updates

And since I’ve been gone I thought I’d give some updates

- Party Hat Joe – I haven’t heard from him in a while. The last time I heard was about a month ago. I might be due for another text from him soon.
- Smallest Horse in The World – I am no longer speaking with him. I told him I wasn’t interested in meeting up with him that much. He pleaded one more time to meet up, asking me to reject him on his looks, not his personality. I gave up and stop replying. Then he de-friended me on facebook. The horror.
- Tallest Horse In The World – I still talk with him a lot. He’s busy so it’s hard to hang out with him but all is good on this frontier
- I asked vanguy4u if he had a van that had the words “free candy” written on the side, still waiting for his response.
- The BF with all the cats that told his mom about me the Monday after our date on Saturday – I last heard from him about a month ago. I might be due for another text soon too.

Those are all the updates for now.

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