Monday, December 28, 2009

Cheating Apples

Here's a convo from gmail chat. I had started talking to this dude and oops, looks like his gf found your play boys. Names and details have been changed to protect the cheaters.

Me: hey. what's going on?
Him: nothing o you
Me: not too much. working.
did you figure out that site last night?
Him: im back on !
Me: that rocks! did u find that girl?
Him: nope and I dont care
Me: lmao
Him: hope your day is going well
Me: 2 questions. 1. what's up with the pic of the girl on your gmail? not judging, just askin 2. do you know how to text message pics from the iphone? can you?
Him: im sorry.. whos this?
the girl is ME his GIRLFRIEND.... WHOS THIS????????
wut got nothin to say now?!
Him: thought so...... next time watch wut u say unless u wanna say it to MY face and make sure u talkin to the person u lookin for... but ill make sure to tell DANNY u say HI later bitch
Me: oh. can you ask him that question about the iphone too?
Him: big mistake ,sorry for the trouble . i wish you well and take care . please do not hit me up anymore

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