Thursday, January 21, 2010

Living At Home With Mom, Dad, And A Flashlight Collection

Ohhhhh happy day! Today is a 2 part bundle of joy post. Both topics are about same guy. He just has no idea how much he had to offer me...and my little blog.

Part 1 (home with the parents):

Note to self – do not put down people that live at home with their parents. Apparently this is a big epidemic that affects(sorry if this is grammatically incorrect, I truly cannot grasp effect vs. affect...yea yea, I know noun vs verb and all that, still no idea) a lot of men in their 30’s. I should be more sensitive to this and not as judgmental or assume that just because you are in your mid-30's or older that you live on your own. Bad things happen when one assumes.

The following is part of my actual IM conversation:

ME: my dream is that they'd (my parents) move back (to Hawaii) and then I'd just move home. but me moving back home is probably not their idea of a dream come true for them. Lol where do you live?

HIM: In Union City... W/ mom and dad.

WHOOPS, how was I supposed to know?!?

Part 2 (flashlight fun):

This is all the same guy I had previously insulted above, but he continued talking to me. Later in the conversation, I learned that he has a flashlight collection. I asked how many he had, his reply: “several dozen”. I thought he was messing with me. This just seemed too good and awesome to be true. He gave me several links for where to find the ultimate information about flashlights. In case you’re interested: is THE place for all things flashlight related.

And for your reading pleasure is even more of our actual IM conversation about the flashlights:

Me: What do you do with them?
HIM: nothing too exciting. Just collect them and admire them...
Carry some on a regular basis. Usually have about two small pocket lights on me at all times...
ME: i actually needed one yesterday. but the one i have, the batteries didn't work
HIM: Exactly! Doesn't have to be a big disaster they come in handy in day to day life.

At least I know now where to get a killer flashlight. My living room can be pretty dark and a good one would come in handy every now and again. Like when I’m trying to set up a tv or something and I need to be able to see the tiny writing on the back.


  1. Does the flashlight collection mean he's no longer in the picture?

  2. Thanks for your concern anonymous. This is a tricky one. A flashlight is not a dealbreaker to me, but it is a proceed with MAJOR caution. I won't actively pursue anything more but if he contacts me, I won't ignore him.
