Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mom's House

I'll call this guy Mom's House for now. I had been talking to Mom's House for a while, he seemed normal enough. We met up in public, again seemed normal. He wasn't working at the time but then again, in this economy, it's not so unusual. He did mention some global economic project he was working on to pass the time (...this will have to be another post, it's too much). Fast forward. He invites me over so I go.

I arrive at his house and call him to let him know I'm there. He comes outside to meet me. And then breaks it down for me. He says, "Ok, here's the deal. I live here with my mom. I don't want her asking questions or butting in so we'll have to sneak you in, undercover. Just be really quiet and make no noise".

I'm thinking, OMG (yes, I really do think in IM acronyms), what did I get myself into on this one. He could have told me before hand. But like the fool that I am, I go along with it. It's totally dark as we walk up the stairs. I had to take my shoes off to not make any noise. And Mom's House covertly, successfully sneaks me into his room. Where I had to cough into a pillow and only speak in whisper.

It's kind of a shame. Because Mom's House is actually really handsome and personable. He just lives at home with his mom and hasn't worked since 2001. On some level I don't know if I should be disgusted or jealous of this. Considering that my life goal is to be Manuel (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5020806.ece), live at home and too fat to get out of your bed, have your mom bring you food and wash your fatrolls. Oh wait, did I just post that to the internet for all to see?? Ma bad.

I told this to a friend yesterday, who accused me of ripping of the movie, Mall Rats. I kid you not, this actually happened to me. I don't even remember that part of Mall Rats!!

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