Friday, February 19, 2010

Belated Valentines Day

Since Valentines Day was on a Sunday with President’s Day following I forgot to write about my awesome day. It’s one to be proud of. I had hung out at a friend’s the night before, we ended up drinking so I stayed over (I had driven there). We didn’t wake up until 1 or 2 pm, went to get Chipotle, and I went home with a stomach ache (thanks Chipotle). The highlight of the day happened next. Ready? Wait for it…..wait for it…..Ok, NOW: I watched Whip It on netflix by myself. I feel asleep around 9 playing this super fun game on my phone that I’m addicted to (Tap Tap Revenge 3) only to be woken up around 11 by this neurotic guy that keeps making and cancelling dates on me. Which leads me to part two…

When I first started talking to Neurotic, he seemed really funny. His actual craziness is probably why he has seems funny…at first. We had a second date set for 2 weeks ago. He called to cancel, didn’t really give a reason, and asked to reschedule. So it was rescheduled for the following Tuesday. The Sunday prior (V-Day) he calls. Wakes me up. Tells me he has insecurities (great). Something about he went out on Saturday night, he thought it was a good time, the girl came down with a headache. Which made him insecure about going out with me. Something about how he would have liked for me to reschedule sooner than a week from when he cancelled – hello crazy, what’s up? Keep in mind, HE IS THE ONE THAT CANCELLED ON ME ORIGINALLY. I basically talked him down from the ledge, told him to chill out, stop thinking about things so deeply, I’m not that girl, when we went out it was fun, blablabla, whatever it took to get him off the phone so I could go back to sleep, watch tv, or play my phone game. Tuesday comes, he sends me a text: “Between the snow and shame – tonight is not a good night for me. Hopefully you understand”. Here is what is going on in my head and what I want to say to him in my head – “go fix your mental issues and then come back and talk to me, you Neurotic psycho and I can’t deal with your insecurities at 42, I have my own issues!” There, just had to get that one out. Thank you for reading. He texted me last night asking me out for this weekend….

PS - I just think the picture is funny and gross but funny more than gross.

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