Monday, February 22, 2010

The Boundary Overstepper

There’s another psycho on the loose, his name is Boundary Overstepper. Another guy that just doesn’t take a hint or know when to walk away. So I asked him, what is he thinking, what is going on in his head. As this little dating experiment goes on, I think I’m getting more and more jaded and less, um, what’s the word…nice. Sometimes I just can’t take it, I can’t help it, it just comes out.

So here we go. I started talking to this guy at the end of January, we had exchanged a few messages on the site, moved it to cell phone, he called once but I wasn’t around and he left a message, then I had to leave for South Carolina. I thought being gone for a while was a good way to clear some people out. And it was. But not for Boundary Overstepper.

Here he is with his constant texts. This is something I just don’t understand. If someone doesn’t reply to a text, why do people keep texting, as if that person didn’t get the text or forgot or something. Also, keep in mind that in between these texts, he would IM me every single time I signed onto the site, which I would also ignore. It got to the point where I was scared to even sign on and check messages! Finally, between 2/17 and 2/21, he IM’ed me and I asked him to back off. Obviously that didn’t help AT ALL:

Here I am being um, what’s the word, oh yeah, mean. And here he is coming up with excuses and lies, last time, yeah right:

He used his own language for this, “overstepped boundaries”, which clearly implies to me that THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE AND HE HAS A PROBLEM WITH THIS. It’s not me, it can’t be. Please don’t let it be me. Right??

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