Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"In A Relationship" - NOT ME!!

So I had met this guy online, we talked back and forth for a while, he wanted to add me on facebook. I don’t normally like to do this before I actually meet people in person but he seemed ok enough, so we added each other. We talked back and forth on facebook for a while. Until we both had time to meet up in person. We go out. He is an artist and has his own gallery, I go there, he shows me the pieces, then we go to a bar. We have a few drinks, hang out for a while. It’s a decent time, we both laugh a lot and seem to have a good time. He contacts me the next day to tell me he had a good time, we should do it again, blablaba. He comments a few times on things I’ve posted on facebook, about a month or 2 goes by. He changes his facebook status to “in a relationship”. Hump. Do I “like it’ on facebook, do I say congrats. I think I’ll just do what I always do, nothing.

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