Friday, April 23, 2010

Fine Piece of....

I'm either getting better at this dating thing and able to weed out the crazies or I've gone through all the crazies, that's not possible. Last night I was thinking that maybe I need to update my profile again. Maybe the Biggie lyrics just aren't working as well as they did the first day.

So here is my new profile:

I look at myself in the mirror every morning and I think to myself, "you are a fine piece of ass". I'm sure you’ve already thought this exact thought when you first checked out my pics. You for sure thought, “she is so fine, check her out, I gots to read more about this sho-ty”.

Well, boys, don't you worry, this fine ass has brains too. I like to do algebra in my spare time; I'm Asian after all, did you expect differently? I play with my abacus. So brains and beauty, what more to guys want? I cook, I clean, never married, haven't had kids yet, I live to serve, I'll leave you to watch sports for the entire weekend.

So now your thinking, "is this fine piece of ass for real, this is still the Internet after all". The answer is yes, I’m very real. Take me for a test drive, see if you like the ride.

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