Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Where do the mullets keep coming from??

Say hello to princestowntrini. Another exactly…What would he do on a first date? He would – “First of all, I would do what most "cool guys" do,take her out to a candle lit dinner and converse with her. If the mixture is right we will take it to the next stage.”

This mullet #2 contacted me the other day. Here’s our conversation:

HIM: hello, how are you doing on this beautiful day ?
ME: (I notice that he has a mullet) Nice mullet
HIM: yes indeed, happy spring to you....please tell me a little more about you ? thx...
MY THOUGHTS IN MY HEAD: OMG, does he even know what I’m talking about? He has no idea, I better push this some more.
WHAT I SAY TO HIM: I like mullets so you're in luck
HIM: cool ! how about calamari LOL....are you a sports buff
MY THOUGHTS IN MY HEAD: OMG, he has noooo idea what a mullet is…I better end this.
WHAT I SAY TO HIM: I don't eat seafood or like sports

And it all just keeps happening!


  1. You do have too much time on your hands!!!!!!!!!!why don't you spend it to have a social life in real life.
    Listen its not right to put other people's pictures on your blog..are you punishing them for finding your profile interesting and wanting to meet you???
    What if one of them goes and puts your pictures on porn sites or better yet on New Jersey craigslist personals?Maybe he has...

  2. But then what would you have to read and comment on? Your own huge social life? Oh right, no, you're still reading this...want to go to dinner sometime?

  3. I have your u want me to stoop down like you and posting them in all sorts of blogs & personals/porn sites..maybe even the ones your friends frequent?

  4. Hm, I thought I didn't have any friends/no social life?

  5. Anonymous - What's up hater? You seem angry. Are one of these photos of you?
