Monday, April 12, 2010

Midget turned stalker….

So the midget ended up being a stalker, just like the others. I was supposed to meet up with him on Saturday. He had wanted to meet at 1 PM but I knew that I’d be out late with the chef the night before so I pushed the midget back to 3 PM.

Saturday - He called me at 11 AM on Saturday morning to tell me that he had food poisoning, had been sick since 5 AM that morning, blablabla. He left a voicemail because I was still sleeping. He called again a half hour later. Then he sent a text. I woke up at the second call AT THE CHEF’S HOUSE because I was down there too late and passed out. Couldn’t find my phone fast enough but called him back. I yelled at him that I was sleeping and to stop calling like a stalker, I got his voicemail, I was sorry, told him to take care of himself and said good bye. After we hung up, he texted again, that he was sorry, again. He then texted me all day long. I stopped replying after I sent 2 texts – first telling him it was ok, second asking if he needed anything. His last text to me on Saturday was at 11:22 PM. I had stopped replying at 2 PM….

Sunday - Sunday morning what do I wake up to? The midget asking me if I’m awake. I go back to sleep. I wake up again an hour later to another text from the midget. At this point I’m so angry, I text him back to tell him that I’m sleeping, quit waking me up, and to go away. He texts again at 1, telling me that I have to be up by now and that he wants to hang out on Tuesday. I told him no, Tuesday is when I watch Lost, and he told me to DVR it. I still haven’t replied. He texted me a few more times without my replies on Sunday.

I think it’s way over with the midget before it even started….that was short lived….get it? Short. Lived. Get it???

I was once given advice by a good friend/ dating guru. He told me that if the replies come back slow or not at all, there’s a reason for that, move on. Words to live by.

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