Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Mall and The Motorcycle

This story is about one of my early dates. I hadn't talked to motorcycle (the guy) that much, he wanted to meet right away. So I agreed. He worked in Jersey City, where I live, so it seemed convenient. I was thinking a bar, restaurant, or Starbucks. He asked if I wanted to meet him at the mall. Weird. Right?!?! I thought so too but like a dumbass, agreed.

We met in the food court. It was pretty late and there was no one there. We didn't even eat. He got a water, I got nothing. We sat and talked a little bit. He showed me about 20 pictures of his motorcycle on his cell phone (are you getting the picture now?). Thankfully the mall was closing so we had to get out. He walked me to my car, we both did a "call me" and that was the end of that!

Looking back, I wonder if he was 1. under 21 (he didn't look it) or 2. mentally or socially something was wrong with him. I wonder....

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