Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Saturday Night

I first started talking to BF last week.

We had emailed back and forth a few times, he sent me his phone number. He seemed cool and was in love with my profile so I thought why not. Even though he claimed to be hilarious but hadn't said a single funny thing. I called the number when I got home...only to find out it was for some chick! Latisha!! Latisha didn't pick up but I did get her voicemail. She ended up calling me back....I was so tongue tied, I yelled out, wrong number and quickly hung up. So many thoughts were going through my head, one of them being, is this a joke? So I emailed to tell him, this number's for some chick!! He sent me another number, but I was too scared to call it, thinking it was some huge prank. I gave him mine and we ended up talking for a really long time. We made plans to hang out later that week. Things seemed normal.

Saturday came. We went to a bar, watched UFC (he claims he didn't plan this even though he's totally into and trains for mixed martial arts). It was a decent time.

Until....he breaks out that he really likes me, he wants to continue dating me, see where it goes, he only dates 1 girl at a time and would like for me to do the same. 1 person at a time?? So I ask him, are you asking me to be your girlfriend, to go steady? Awkward. I didn't end up answering and continued with the night.

Fast forward to Monday. He calls. He tells me he told his mom about me. I replied with a huge "WHAT???" And he reassures me that he didn't tell her exactly what we did but that only that he went on a date with me. Which I replied with another "WHAT...." I told him I thought this was weird. So the bottom line is that I guess I have a boyfriend now....

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