Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Here are some of the finer points of this psycho:
-Used like 100 emoticons in his initial contact email to me
-Told me he was 40 and didn’t know how dating worked.
-Liked it when I called him psycho in the first few emails, then started to refer to himself as psycho….
-I stopped answering his texts, so he kept texting me like a good little psycho
-Then he pretended to “lose” all of his contacts in his phone and sent me all of the following
o “Who is this? :0 I’ve lost all my contacts on my phone :o(“
o “Dana?”
o “not talking to me?”
o “Merry Christmas :o)”
-Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore, so I wrote him through the site and told him I had “met someone (lieeeee)” and that I “wanted to see where the (FAKE) relationship went”.
-He wrote me – ” no problem Dana :) its all good. Still love your sense of humor and we can be just good friends.” – But I DON’T WANT TO BE GOOD FRIENDS WITH HIM!!! MAKE HIM GO AWAY!!! He’s now programmed into my phone as “Psycho – do not answer”


  1. That trick of losing all the phone contacts is a good one, I bet they teach that at psycho college.
