Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Married Life

(Reference – see Beer Garden from December 2009) So I’ve talking to this dude for a while now. Since December I think, maybe earlier. I’ve hung out with him 3 or 4 times. Each time is cool. He’s 34, well educated, decent looking, nice, semi-funny. However I strongly believe he’s married or living with a girlfriend. And here are the reasons why I think this guy is married.

1.He never has me drop him off in front of his building, it’s always down the street. I had to drive him home twice now I think.
2.He has mentioned that he has 2 cars. He has a Toyota and Jeep. This raised questions but I didn’t ask.
3.He never texts or calls at night, only during working hours
4.The last time we hung out, he got a call, looked at his phone, mumbled “whatever” and put the phone back in his pocket. He said he had to leave like 10 minutes later
5.He asked if I could hang out this weekend. He gave me choice of a. hanging out at my house or b. meeting up somewhere in Jersey City (where we both live)
6.When we initially first started talking, he mentioned that he wasn’t looking for a long term relationship. Which I told him was cool. But it’s weird bc usually people who say that are only interested in a physical relationship. Where this kid hasn’t made a move at all. This part is confusing for me.
7.He moved to Jersey City from South Orange (originally from Connecticut). When I asked him what took him to Jersey, his answer was "family". (his family's in Connecticut)...however please note, I was drinking when this conversation took place, this is the only point I have where I'm not 100%.

I mean, it’s cool. It’s not my problem until he admits he is or gets caught, not like I’m falling in love. At this point I just like watching to see where it’s going to go and trying to figure things out. It’s like an episode of Law And Order. Stay Tuned!

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