Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I think this IM conversation speaks for itself. Also. This guy says his name is "Gary", but his IM comes up as "Mike S". Who even knows. I roll my eyes at this entire situation!!

mike s: hi dana
ME: yes?
mike s: so at home
mike s: enjoying the snow
mike s: :)
ME: that's nice. i'm at work.
mike s: ru
ME: do you even know who i am?
mike s: i think i do
mike s: :)
ME: i don't think you do.
ME: we talked on im. it didn't really go that well. then you contacted me on another website the very next if we'd never "talked" before.
ME: do you remember????
mike s: oh yeah
mike s: :)
mike s: the asian girl
ME: so why are you even contacting me again? you just remembered?
mike s: we never had a fight
mike s: LOL
ME: you are so lame
mike s: but neways i have a friend dana too
mike s: so honestly i thought its her
ME: that is such a lame made up excuse

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