Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Mom's House's project

Mom's House's project:

The EU-US Merger Project


1)- the Prevention of the Annihilation of Humanity

2)- the Resolution of the World's Major Problems

3)- the Restoration of the Balance of Power on the Planet

4)- the Establishment of World Peace and World Prosperity

5)- the Upgrading of the Global Operating System and the Existence of Humanity

6)- the Rendering of War, Capital Punishment & the Burning of Fossil Fuels Obsolete

7)- the Creation of a Highly Enlightened World Federation

8)- and the Advancement of Civilization

The "timely" solution & advanced global political strategy that i propose (i.e. my very own personal contribution to the evolution of humanity) to solving many if not ALL of the worlds major problems including war, corruption, global warning, poverty, the economy... lies in what i call the "ultimate power move," merging the 2 most powerful governments on the planet, the EU & the US. Precipitating or more accurately quickening the "already-in-motion" Global Unification & Integration process, toward the resolution of the world's major problems, is the overall goal (which includes saving humanity from complete annihilation & destruction of course). Merging the EU & the US will obviously "check" all aberrant countries/nations (North Korea, Syria, Iran...) from doing things they shouldn't otherwise be doing, included in the mix of being checked will be the US & the EU of course. After merging the EU & the US other countries can then be "systematically integrated" as well if they so choose. The "button-up" approach of the "North American Union", that is the US merging with Canada & Mexico, is childs play & essentally "less relevant" compared to the "top-down" approach of an EU-US Merger. The one VERY important caveat/requirement to having a "fully unified & fully integrated planet" is having the "right people" on top, unenlightened heartless half-wits will not only "not do" but they will worsen the already f---ed up & despicable condition of humanity & planet earth & obvioulsy that's a no no. So those impressed with and interested in bankrolling and/or contributing in other ways (i.e. ideas, media attention...) to my Global Business Venture/Independent Work Project you may contact me here. Thanks, Leo (a.k.a. "The Good Borg," "The Way of the Future," "The Director," "Regulator of the Free Market," "True Leader of the Free World," "Commander of the Intergalatic Battle Fleet"...)

Step 1- An EU-US Merger

Step 2- The Institution of Highly Enlightened, Highly Advanced and Highly Evolved Global Policies

Step 3- Aid to Africa and beyond

Step 4- The Inclusion of the rest of the Nations into the Global Union

P.S. - A shift from the old unregulated short-term oriented "Free Market Economy" to the new regulated long-term oriented "Fair Market Economy" (A Green Market Economy)

P.S.S. - Pay Rate/Scale dependent on level and degree of Overall Contribution to Humanity

P.S.S.S. - One "Monetray Unit" to free up the money system to print money at will to allocate accordingly


Global Political Innovator & Pioneer - World Leading Thinker, Futurist & Visionary - Master Strategist & Planner - Idea Broker & Global Policy Entrepreneur - Futuristic, Progressive & Forward Oriented Thinker - Advanced Ideas and Concepts Guy...

An interesting vision. And while I would not be opposed to it in the ideal, the practical implications seem abit overwhelming. If Ken Wilber is correct, and only 1-2 percent of the world is at yellow or above, then we may have to wait another generation or 3 to see this plan through to a gentle beginning. Just to many people on the planet still dealing with their magical or mythical past let alone those strung out in the mental world chasing the latest technological rage....."Current" technology not included...LOL... Good luck... Littlesigh

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