Thursday, February 11, 2010

Never Joke About High School Girls

I had initially talked to this guy weeks ago. He only signs onto IM at night and I'm only really on during the day we haven't communicated much. Randomly he contacts me today. Note to self, never joke about high school girls again...or joke more about them. Real note to self, people who say they have a sense of humor NEVER really have a sense of humor....

Alex: hey stranger how r u?
ME: hey. whats up.
Alex: 2 days off cuz of snow gotta say im lovin it
Alex: but ive got a cold so i would have been home anyway most likely
ME: must be nice. where do you live?
ME: i worked yesterday and i'm working today
Alex: hackensack U?
ME: dang. where do u work?
ME: i live in Jersey city and work in NY
Alex: teacher in nj
ME: my work didn't close
ME: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ME: thats why
Alex: those dang teachers...
ME: exactly
ME: what do you teach?
ME: how to pick up girls online?
Alex: no but could u help me in my online quest
ME: how?
Alex: tell me how to pick up the ladies online haha what s it gonna take
Alex: ill stick to spanish
ME: u teach spanish?
Alex: si senorita
ME: how would i be able to help u pick up ladies
ME: just be you man. just be you.
Alex: amen
ME: u teach high school?
ME: u pick up high school chicks for "extra credit"?
Alex: no i dont teach high school and I dont really like the last comment
Alex: not someting to joke around with
ME: some of these are just jokes
Alex: i know ive got an interesting sense of humor too but dont joke about teaching
ME: too many rules
Alex: rules?
ME: oye
Alex: im listeining
ME: i don't like to explain jokes.
Alex: recently there was a case of a teacher involved with a minor that is all over the newspaper so im sorry if i didnt think it was amusing
ME: was it you, loser?
Alex: no it wasnt

The fact that he replied, especially after I called him a loser is just too sweet. I blocked him after his reply, I couldn't let it continue, someone had to put the conversation out of it's misery.

**IM is kept as is, spelling errors included.

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