Friday, April 16, 2010


Picture comment - I'm pretty sure this is who is posting all of this but I can't prove it just yet.

Great, so now this blog has stalkers too now?! Yesterday, someone felt the need to hide behind an anonymous profile to call me names and then threaten my life. I eat like a pig or a cow, they aren’t sure which, also like a man. I have no life. I am punishing these guys that I write about. They were going to see me “in” (his word, not mine) the train last night. Blablabla.

Here’s what I have to say to you, anonymous dick:
-I don’t care how I eat. And for the record, I do not eat with my mouth open. I barely even eat salad except at work so I have no idea what you are even talking about.
-I think it’s plainly obvious from all of these postings that I have no life, I'm sick, too much time, and nothing better to do. So what’s your point captain obvious? Way to play it safe there, you will always win when you point out the obvious, that’s for sure
-You took the time yesterday to go through my postings and I asked you to reveal yourself if you truly know me. I waited for you on the train last night, where were you?? Bring it.
-I had over 100 click throughs on this page yesterday, so thank you for driving traffic waaay up!! :)
-Your English sucks. Your spelling and lack of use of the space bar hurt my eyes.

And for everyone else, I’ve compiled the comments below for you so you don’t have to search around.

Posted on Tallest To Shortest Continued:

ANONYMOUS DICK: This girl is sick!!!!!!! I know as I met her...
Not only she has a super inferiority complex on being short,she also eats like a pig..i was so disgusted looking at her eating a salad..going chomp chomp with open mouth like a guy...some ppl ofcourse NEED to resort to online dating to have a social life as this girl definitely can't have any in real life..
I meant "like a cow"

**Posted on Where do the mullets keep coming from??:

ANONYMOUS DICK: You do have too much time on your hands!!!!!!!!!!why don't you spend it to have a social life in real life.
Listen its not right to put other people's pictures on your blog..are you punishing them for finding your profile interesting and wanting to meet you???
What if one of them goes and puts your pictures on porn sites or better yet on New Jersey craigslist personals?Maybe he has...
ME: But then what would you have to read and comment on? Your own huge social life? Oh right, no, you're still reading this...want to go to dinner sometime?
ANONYMOUS DICK: I have your u want me to stoop down like you and posting them in all sorts of blogs & personals/porn sites..maybe even the ones your friends frequent?
ME: Hm, I thought I didn't have any friends/no social life?

**Posted on Juicy:

ANONYMOUS DICK: Scared..are you?you have no idea who u are dealing with missie.
ME: Thanks for keeping up on reading! ;)
ANONYMOUS DICK: ..see u in the train today evening..bye
ME: Great, we can get dinner afterwards, you can watch me eat salad like a guy/cow. It’ll be great.


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