Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Tallest to shortest continued

My twisted love affair with the smallest man in the world and the tallest man in the world continues this weekend.

It’s the tallest man in the world’s birthday on Friday. Apparently he has to work but would like to hang out with me after he’s done with work. This sounds serious. To be continued.

The smallest man in the world really wants to meet me. I made up a lame excuse 2 weekends ago, last weekend I was sick, so I guess we will meet this weekend. He is in love with me. I’m sure it’s because I am his size and that is not common. But where will this end up? Us growing old together, going grocery shopping and not being able to reach the top shelf together? Us getting a house together and all of the pictures hung at 3 feet from the floor because that’s as far as we can reach? This can’t end good.

Image comment - This is what they would look like if they were horses


  1. Your blog makes me laugh. "This is what they would look like if they were horses" Makes me giggle

  2. so did you end up hanging out with that tall horse? for his birthday?

  3. HAHA! Tall horse. I did. I'll be posting about it soon bc it was a pretty funny chain of events.

  4. This girl is sick!!!!!!! I know as I met her...
    Not only she has a super inferiority complex on being short,she also eats like a pig..i was so disgusted looking at her eating a salad..going chomp chomp with open mouth like a guy...some ppl ofcourse NEED to resort to online dating to have a social life as this girl definitely can't have any in real life..

  5. I meant "like a cow"

  6. If you know me, have the guts to say these comments to my face instead of hiding behind an anonymous post...COWard...

  7. AND apparently you are not so disgusted by me to not read this blog....who is the one without a life? Thanks for reading and adding to my clicks count! :)
