Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Crazy cat man stalker boyfriend won't go away

Guess who’s back for more? The boyfriend. The dude with all the cats that told his mom about me on Monday, after our date on Saturday. He last texted me at the beginning of March, I ignored the text. He wanted to know what I was doing. In my head I thought, I’m ignoring you, that’s what I’m doing. But instead I ignored the text. After basically ignoring him since I blew him off on New Year’s (see New Year’s Blow Off from Jan, 2010), I thought he would have gotten the point by now. But no, he has to keep coming back. I told someone about this yesterday and they asked, “Is he crazy?”. The answer is, yes, he is crazy, he must be crazy.

So on Saturday, I was deathly ill with tonsillitis, watching tv, and playing my cell phone game that I’m still addicted to and play daily. And I saw him on my caller ID, but it was only up for a second. Which means, he called and hung up. Now, I’ve called on accident before, but after 1 ring I’ve realize what I’ve done and hung up, the call hasn’t gone through yet. I’ve tested this in fact. So this means he let it ring several times. So he could pretend that he called by accident. But really it was just 1 month after his last contact of me ignoring him, his scheduled time to reach out to me, in hopes that I remember how incredibly awesome he was and come running back to his arm. In his dreams. Make him just go away!!!!!

PS - the guy in this pic is much better looking than the crazy cat man stalker boyfriend.

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