Thursday, April 22, 2010

Saying Good Bye To The Perfect Relationship

My perfect relationship is moving away. I met PR (perfect relationship) back in February. PR had just been laid off from his job and was on the hunt for a new one. And now, he’s been offered a job across the country. So he’s moving in a few weeks. Such a bummer.

We’ve hung out several times. Each time was perfect. He’d call, email or text randomly, seeing if I wanted to hang out. If that day wasn’t available we’d quickly come to an agreed upon date, time, meet, hang out, and it was just as simple as that. There was very little back and forth, uncertainty, annoyingness. It was simple. He had made it clear from the start that he probably wasn’t looking for anything serious or long term, which was totally fine. Making a new friend and just hanging out, getting a drink or whatever is always nice too. And it’s helpful to know from the get go, there’s no second guessing, etc.

But just as quickly as he entered my life, he’s saying good bye. The PR will be missed for sure.

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