Thursday, April 8, 2010

Party Hat Joe

This is Joe. Joe will also not go away.

I first started talking to Joe in January. It was shortly after New Year’s, you can tell from his cool party hat. Joe seemed nice enough at the time. We talked on a phone a few times. He wanted to take me go carting and only because he offered such a fun activity, I accepted. We made the date for the next Saturday during the day. The Monday prior, my mom called to tell me she was going to come visit that weekend. So I called Joe to tell him I had to reschedule. He was ok with this and understanding. We rescheduled for the next Saturday. The Tuesday prior I was out, received a phone call that my friend’s husband had passed away, I scheduled a flight for 2 days later. I called Joe again to reschedule. Joe was totally cool with this, totally understanding. This is life and things come up, they happen.

So when I got back from the funeral, I had a lot of things to catch up on, so I didn’t really talk to Joe for a while. But then he started coming around again. Texting, asking to hang out. I put him off for a few weeks before finally thinking that if I just met up with him, he’d go away. So I told him I could meet him for breakfast on a Sunday. (hey, I’m a busy girl! Haha!) We finally met in person. It was clear that Joe had never talked with a girl before in his life.

After the breakfast date, he continued to reach out to me. Using my usual tactics of ignoring things until they just go away, I stopped replying to his texts. When I found this wasn’t working, I started replying with totally lame excuses of why I couldn’t hang out. I’ve had more friends have birthday parties in the past 2 months than I have actual friends. I’ve been to Boston (I’ve never been to Boston in my life). I was sick (this was a real excuse and not even an excuse!). I think you get the picture.

So at this point, I suppose I’ll see how far I can take this without having to actually see the kid. He’s now cut it down to texting on Friday night to see if I can hang out on Saturday. To be continued…Poor Joe.

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