Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tall Horse's Birthday Surprise

Today is your lucky day, I have a double post for you.

So someone recently asked if I spent the tall horse’s birthday with him. I did. It’s actually a pretty funny story. So I get to his house. He was still in his work clothes and had friends hanging out, just drinking, talking, whatever. They run out of beer. The tall horse remembers that he has some bottles of wine. He goes down to get it. He comes back up and describes the wine. My ears turned off and I wasn’t able to listen to the description. But I do know that he had had it for 10 years or something and I have a feeling it was expensive. So they are drinking it, 2 glasses were poured. And the bottle’s placed on the table. The table already had an empty wine bottle sitting there too. I go to put a cigarette out (what?! I slipped!!!) in what I think is the empty bottle of wine. But as soon as I drop it, I hear the sizzle of the fire going out. I look into the top, the wine bottle is full. I gasp, “OMG”. They all turn to look at me. The tall horse says, “what did you do?”. I try and hide the wine bottle behind me and yell, “I just did something bad, I am so sorry”. The tall horse repeats, “what did you do!?”, a little louder this time. He says, “I can see the cigarette in the bottle, floating”. We all crack up about it. I still can’t believe I did that. Stuff just happens sometimes.

Later that night I don’t know if the tall horse is super drunk or just forgot but he goes to pour a glass of wine from the bottle. He doesn’t see the cigarette fall into his glass. He takes a few sips before it goes into his mouth. He tries to get up to go spit it out but trips over a plant. All of a sudden, I hear a thud, look over, all 6 feet 4 inches of him are sprawled on the ground, dirt is everywhere!

The next day, I had thrown my cell phone in my purse, when I went to pull it out, it was covered in dirt!

It was a pretty funny chain of events for sure.

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