Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bitterly Funny

Last night’s date was morbidly funny. You’ll understand in a minute.

I was at a bar, the date went to the bathroom and I used this time to check my phone. I saw a missed call and a text from a number I didn’t recognize. I open the text to find out it’s a good friend’s brother asking me to call him. He also lives in NYC so I thought maybe he just wanted to hang out or something. I call him back from the bar. Date is still in the bathroom. I can sense a serious tone in the brother’s voice but can’t hear what he’s saying. Nervously looking back and forth between the men’s bathroom door and my date’s coat hanging on the coat hook (with his wallet inside, after he already told me please watch it), I don’t know what to do. So obviously I do the most inappropriate thing and just bolt outside. Turns out the brother has horrible news. My friend’s husband has passed away, brother tells me where to fly into. I run back inside and see Date sitting, confused on the stool. I tell him what just happened, not knowing if he’ll believe it, but not really caring that much because I know it’s true. I feel horrible. About everything. The date was going fairly well too. We quickly leave. I get home, text him that I’m sorry and I’m booking my flight. His reply – “all this just to avoid being busted for ditching me” (he’s kidding. I’m pretty sure)

I’m sure people make up these stories to get out of bad dates all the time. I wish I were a little bit more detached to be able to do something like that, but I’m not. Instead, I’ll just go through the bad date and then blog about it after. It’s funny when it really does happen. Who does that really happen to?? I guess me.

I’ll be taking a break for a little bit, but please read on for any missed postings!

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