Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Maybe I'm the crazy one....

Ok. Hopefully you can follow this. I'm including my texts with this dude and then explaining exactly what was going on in my head at this time!!

First I got:

This is what is going on in my head when I saw all these texts: "What a freaking psycho, why would he keep texting when I don't respond?!??!"

Then I got:

Thoughts in my head: "new day, see above"

Then I got:

Thoughts in my head: "I can't take this anymore".
My text to him was immediately followed by a call from him. He obviously did not get the point and wanted to know why I was so quick to cut him off. I explained that it just wasn't working for me, it's not a bad thing, but maybe it's just best to go our seperate ways at this point. I don't do well when I feel suffocated and all of his texts definetly made me feel suffocated. He told me that he didn't "understand girls". He didn't know when to text too much or too little. I said I was sorry but I had to rush off to dinner. And we hung up. IT'S NOT LIKE WE HAD EVEN MET IN PERSON AT THIS POINT. I felt like I was breaking up with him but then kept in mind, I HAVEN'T EVEN MET THIS DUDE YET AND ONLY SPOKEN TO HIM ONCE ON THE PHONE! I am not the evil one here.

And finally:

Thoughts in my head: Ok, he for sure didn't understand the "stop texting me" part of our conversation yesterday. AND he woke me up!!!! AND that is SO passive aggressive to text late at night and early in the morning to BREAK UP WITH ME AFTER I ALREADY BROKE UP WITH HIM!!!!

I have not responded to any of this.

Really, am I the crazy one?? I'm really starting to wonder.


  1. You are totally the crazy one Koga. This dude seems really normal, I'm not following your problem with this guy. He obviously cares a great deal about you and is nice enought to wish you a "good morning" each day and hopes that you have a great day. Don't be so picky!
