Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Yesterday, "Elvis is Alive" sent me a message: "Thanks for the reply"

I'm thinking, I didn't reply to this guy, what does he want. His profile was pretty generic, tadpole-ish. So I reply and ask him, "Did you want to say something to me?"

His reply: Yes I did want to write earlier but I don't think we match according to your profile. I'm actually very conservative, no topless pics at the gym. Your one line about being married or in a relationship-I would never do that to someone else. Have a Happy New Year.

The thoughts in my head: He is right, this is no match made in heaven. Is he serious? Does he really think that I only like topless pics taken at the gym, or married men? Can he really be serious? Seriously? Especially when I blatantly say in my profile that I'm joking and if you don't get it, keep it moving.

I wanted to provide him with some exceptional life advice. I didn't want him going through life without laughter. No one needs to live like this. Ever. So I left him with these parting thoughts: Dude. Do you not have a sense of humor? You should get one, it makes life so much more awesome....

Seriously, you can't make this stuff up.

Added on 1/6/10 - I guess Elvis is Alive didn't appreciate my life advice. He sent me this message last night - I do have a sense of humor, not a twisted one. To "assume" that everyone knows yours is awful.

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