Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Geezer 2

Another age liar story for you. This one had to have been in his 50's, 60's. This is just getting ridiculous. I knew off the bat that he was lying but thought I'd go through with this, at least I've have something to write about. I didn't know this creep was going to be so bad, he'd make me want to vomit.

Here are some highlights.

- I asked him how old he really was on the phone call. He said 37 (his age on his profile)
- However during the phone call he was talking about his brother, who was 62....hm...
- He wanted to meet at the mall (ALSO, WHAT IS WITH DATES AT THE MALL??), then go to dinner.
- I walked towards the mall, he was waiting outside. As I got closer, I seriously considered turning around.
- He asked if I wanted to ride with him to the restaurant (THE INSIDE OF MY HEAD IS SCREAMING NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!), I told him I'd follow him. I seriously considered driving away.
- Food was good at least.
- He sent me this text after and I followed up in the green....his text to me is pretty irrelevant.

- ALSO he had told me that he had closed out his account on the website. When I was checking my mail on Sunday, I noticed that HE WAS STILL IN MY INBOX, BUT UNDER A DIFFERENT HANDLE!!

Bottom line, what a lying creep!!

Lesson learned? Run when you suspect they can get a seniors discount for dinner. And take a hint when they want to meet for dinner when the early bird specials are still offered.

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