Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Glasses Dave vs Not Glasses Dave

This life is not one of ease. Keeping everyone straight is starting to get really hard, remembering every one's names, what they do, where they're from, what we talked about. I normally have this problem in everyday life and often just never learn any one's name at all.

Side story - A few years ago I went to Japan, my family took one of those tour group trips. We were with the same 30 or so people the entire time for 10 days. I decided that it would be a good idea to just not learn any one's name during the trip. Instead my sister and I just named everyone appropriate nicknames. This was a pretty good system until our parents would start naming people by their real name and we'd have no idea who they were talking about. My parents did not learn the nicknames system.

Back to present day - The most confusing part is when they have the same name. Right now I've been emailing with 2 "Dave's". In my head, they are the exact same person. Even though they totally aren't. But to me, it seem that maybe they could be the exact same person. You be the judge - they are both Caucasian, they both have some job, they both live somewhere in the NYC metro area (not the same town and don't even ask me where, I forget), they both think they are funny and sarcastic. Same person, right? I think one wears glasses and the other doesn't, thank GOD they have some sort of distinguishing characteristic!! Glasses Dave vs Not Glasses Dave.

I'm wondering if next time I need to cut off a person if I'm already talking to someone of the same name. No, I'm sorry, I'm already emailing with a guy named Dave and I can only have one Dave in my life at a time or I'll just end up thinking you're the same personal all the time. Please check back with me in a few weeks, I'm sure he'll be out of my life by then. Thanks, come again.

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