Monday, January 25, 2010

A Hoarder

Today I’ll share someone else’s horror story.

“Mike” met “Betty” on the internet, they started talking, getting to know each other. As time progressed “Betty” started to reveal more and more about herself. “Mike” started realizing that “Betty” was a HOARDER! Here are the reasons why:
-Betty collects coupons to buy things on sale at the grocery store
-She buys stuff she doesn’t even need
-She loves doing this
-She then has an excess amount of stuff and has a “garage sale” to get rid of some of the stuff, while making her money back at the same time (or so she claims)
-Her place is packed with all of this stuff

I begged “Mike” to contact her so that he could put her on the show, Hoarders. But he refused to do so. I have no idea why. We need to help this girl! “Mike” claims to not even have her number anymore but I think he’s lying. I’ll continue to work on this. "Mike" is so lucky he's met someone like "Betty", he has no idea.

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