Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sometimes I AM the crazy one

Sooooo not all of these people are all bad. I don't want to give the wrong impression here. Sometimes they are normal and cool and I end up being the crazy one I think.

Sometime last year I had met Ted (name's been changed). Ted was super cute, had a job, was really funny, all that good stuff. We went back and forth on email/text for a while. He had me cracking up. So we set up a date, went out, and had an awesome time. He wanted to hang out again and invited me over. Mind you, this was early on in this whole online dating process for me and getting invited over so early on kind of freaked me out. I had accepted but then minutes before I was supposed to go over, I backed out and asked to meet in a public place. I think he thought this was a little bit (ok, ok, a lot) weird and was taken back. I TRUELY ENDED UP LOOKING NUTS! We ended up cancelling that night and rescheduled for another night. But unfortunately for me, it was all downhill from there. Shoulda, coulda, woulda and hindsight is 20/20 and all those other cliches.

Lesson learned - Sometimes they just get away, that's life.

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