Monday, March 22, 2010

Biggie Replies

Soooo…my newest bright idea is to reply to people that I’m not interested in using the words of the Notorious BIG, or Biggie. As I’m sure you can imagine, this has been working extremely well.

HIM: it's such a rainny weekend. Kinda stuck at home feeling bore. What about you? What you been up to?
IN MY HEAD: I love people who don’t know how to conjugate verbs.
Me: (nothing, I didn’t reply!!!)
HIM: Hello... how you been?
ME: I let my tape rock till my taped popped. I'm blowing up like you thought I would.
Call the crib same numba same hood. (Biggie, song - Juicy)
HIM: Hello, Are you ok? what's that mean lol. It sounds like a song.
IN MY HEAD: I can’t believe he’s still writing back.
ME: It was all a dream. I used to read word up magazine.
HIM: Ok. Are you ok? you don't write much anymore. is there any chance we can be friends & hang out sometimes?

1 comment:

  1. this is the funnist dumbest thing i have ever seen.....wait that not true, but its close....
