Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Fine, I didn't like you anyways

Went out this guy on Sunday. We met at a bar, I stayed for an hour and left. We had absolutely nothing to talk about, none of the same interests, he seemed extremely depressed. It just was not clicking for me at all. I kind of went into this situation knowing this wouldn’t work out but he had asked me out about 5 or 6 times prior and I just felt bad when I kept blowing him off and finally agreed to something. I thought that when we finally met face to face, that he’d realize this wouldn’t work, then back off. But then yesterday I received the following email:


Are you interested in me or attracted to me?
Well, I am towards you.
Just wanna know cause you left an hour after you got here.
No hard feelings if you don't. Just be honest with me since we're both adults.

By the way, I've had enough of POF--I deleted my account and I won't be creating another one.**


**Please note this – since I had “met” him online, he had created and deleted THREE different accounts. He’d contact me, delete it, then create another one and contact me again….this happened 3 different times, each time saying he's had enough.... Should have been red flag for me #1.

I couldn’t lead him on anymore, so I wrote this to put an end to it:

Hey Chris,

I'm going to be perfectly honest. I'm not that attracted to you. It's simple chemistry and has nothing to do with your looks or anything. I think you're a cool person and good looking but I don't feel a spark. I'm sorry. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully we can keep in touch.


I’m so super glad he understood that I was doing him a favor by ending this early, since he thinks we’re already total opposites:

Sure, no problem. I think we're opposites anyway but I was willing to give it more time. Good luck. Take care.

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