Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Raj the cheater, he still cheating?


This guy, Raj, is apparently a huge cheater, his wife found out about his extramarital affairs and went a little crazy. She’s already contacted everyone in his address book in January. And now she’s at it again. I’m posting her original email and replies 2 girls have sent, which I found humorous.

From the soon to be ex-wife:

Hi all,

I emailed many of you a few days ago.

I found around >200 of email addresses in my husband's secret email account,he had delted all emails.By mailing them I did receive replies from few and found that he met a few of them on friendly dates in last 6 years.But I haven't heard back from many others.Please, please take the time to reply.

I have 2 young kids(2 yr and 6 mths) with him and need to do what is best for them and me after having all the information otherwise I will be just exposing myself and them to more pain down the road.

I NEED to know badly if there are others who he met and whether he was ever "emotionally or sexually" involved with anyone both of which he denies strongly as ever....says that he was just harmless flirting and just liked talking to girls.ofcourse I dont believe him anymore

I want to know the whole truth coz he won't tell me.

I beg you to please take the time and have the heart to help someone will be blessed in some way.
Please search for emails from or or and reply to me with anything you remember about him or any emails from him.

Thanks a lot.


2 emails from 2 different girls:

you need to stop emailing strangers online. if u have 2 kids with this man then talk to him not us.
you are really embarrising yourself and being a mother of two you should be more concerned about your kids than where your husband has been hobb knobbing.

what if one of the girls he fooled is jilted and lies to you and puts u and your kids in danger? stop emailing me. i do not know how the rest of the people on here feel but im sick of your gaddam emails.

i do feel for you and for what your jackass of a husband did...but u are making things worse. think about why he did what he did and if he isnt worhed leave his dumbass.

Good Day to you.

yes, i think stop to send such emails is good for all of us..
in fact, i really do not know what happened, i forgot what happened, who is your husband? where he came from? why my email address in his mailbox? all are puzzle to me.
so i hope that if possible, could you pls stop to send the email to me?
sorry i really can not help you. and wish you good luck...all the best wishes for you...

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