Friday, March 12, 2010

Continuing To Rob The Cradle

Here's a conversation I had with the 21 year old via IM yesterday. I'm trying to help him but he's in major denial. Why don't people want help or even recognize the fact that they can improve on their personality?

ME: yo
21 YEAR OLD: yes
ME: are you going to be good? or are you going to be a stalker?
21 YEAR OLD: good
ME: don't be a stalker man
21 YEAR OLD: im not
ME: uh
21 YEAR OLD: sorry
21 YEAR OLD: okay
21 YEAR OLD: cool, so what made you decide to message me
ME: had a few secs of downtime, went to im my friend at work but their out today, saw your name and wanted to just say hi and to tell you not to be a stalker
21 YEAR OLD: lol im not
ME: uh. you kind of are.
21 YEAR OLD: no
21 YEAR OLD: im sorry if i acted like one
ME: when you send texts all day and they don't reply back to you, stop sending them. that's stalkerish. maybe it's acceptable for people in their early 20's? do you think it is?
21 YEAR OLD: i sent u 3
21 YEAR OLD: well what ever im sorry
ME: dude. you sent 13 total texts. i sent you 4. that's an imbalance
ME: i'm just saying. helping you.
21 YEAR OLD: alright
21 YEAR OLD: im sorry
21 YEAR OLD: r we cool
ME: don't be sorry. it's for your life.
21 YEAR OLD: i know are we cool?
21 YEAR OLD: im sorry
ME: we were even not?
ME: stop saying you are sorry
21 YEAR OLD: okay great

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