Monday, March 15, 2010

Communication with cheating Raj's wife

For reference see -
March 2010 - Raj the cheater, he still cheating?...
January 2010 - Raj the cheater

Raj’s wife had recently mass emailed asking for details from her husband’s cheating affairs. She wants to know details, if we ever met him, emails we have with him, pictures, the whole nine yards. Originally I thought I didn’t want to get involved, this could be some scam or trick, or she could be crazy and track me down, etc. I thought it was best to stay far away. However, I then decided against all this. She doesn’t have my real email address anyhow, what’s the worst that could happen. I should just give her what she wants, all the details…and then some…that I probably made up, ok, that I definitely made up. So I emailed her:

your husband liked to dress up in women's clothing and dance around for me. he would make me rub the spray cheese over his body while wearing women's underware. i thought this was all a little bit weird but to each his own and who am i to really judge anyone. it was what he wanted. did you ever notice that he wore women's panties under his men's underware? he'd often show up like this. and as he stripped off his men's underware, he'd give me dollar bills to stick in the women's underware. i'm sure that you similar experiences with him too. well, good luck to you.

She totally liked it though! Here is her response to my email:

Mozarella or feta or maybe Goat cheese sprinkled with parsley????!!!!!:-)

Seriously though..he never met anyone...I know that bcoz all the pictures he sent were not even his own..a couple girls sent them to me.... ,so unless you produce a real picture of him when you guys are out of luck..

Your email was pretty funny...I had a good laugh..thanks

At least I could make her smile.

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