Tuesday, March 23, 2010

More conversations with Biggie

More replies from Biggie.

This is Rob. Rob is 34, 5’9”, mixed raced with black hair and lives in Jersey City. His ideal first date is “Drinks or coffee in a casual place and get know each other”.

Here is how he describes himself.

How to describe yourself? (he wrote this, not me!!)
I'm smart easygoing guy who likes to travel and meeting new people wherever I go. I try not to take life too seriously that’s what work is for. I love cooking, dancing, traveling, camping, watching movies, making stuff, riding my bicycle, hiking, shopping, hanging out with friends and having a good time. I still love the nightlife but I’d like to go with that special someone rather than trying to find someone. I would to meet a cool girl who likes adventure and not afraid of trying new things.

And here is our conversation, via lyrics by Biggie Smalls, RIP Biggie.

HIM: what do you like to do? where do you hang out? Maybe we can meet somewhere for coffee or after work drink(meaning early to keep it casual;)?
ME: Call the crib same numba same hood. Super nintendo sega genesis. When I
was dead broke man I couldn't picta this.
HIM: ????? number?
ME: It was all a dream. I used to read word up magazine.
HIM: haha what are you up to today?
ME: Lunches brunches interviews by the pool.


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