Monday, March 1, 2010


I finally found someone normal in this whole experience.

I went out with Normal on Saturday. He’s a chef and was working on Saturday. I was semi in the area and we decided to meet up at a bar next to his restaurant after he finished with work. We had a few drinks and basically just hung out until the bar closed.

It was totally, completely refreshing. He totally acted normal, lead a normal life, had a lot of funny jokes, didn’t need me to explain my jokes, he didn’t show up completely socially inapt, 70 years old, or 23, or living with his mom (I just hope he doesn’t tell his mom about me, then call me to tell me he just told his mom about me).

The only thing abnormal about Normal is that he is abnormally tall. He’s like 6 feet 4 or 5 inches. Which is really funny since I’m super short. He kept trying to get me to put his sweatshirt on at different points of the night. Like he’d wait until an appropriate point to offer it to me (I was cold, etc), as if he was making a nice and gentlemanly gesture, but then I heard him mumble under his breath, “this is going to be so funny”. What nerve but also really funny. So there are normal ones out there. All hope is not lost.

And my parting thoughts - not everyone online is crazy and weird but ALL crazy and weird people are online.

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