Tuesday, March 9, 2010

There's A New Cradle In Town

There’s a new cradle to rob…this one’s 21 years old. Just like I told the 23 year old, I told 21, he was way too young for me. I told him, “There is no way you’ll be able to support me when I quit working. Even if you had a job right now instead of being unemployed, you’d make no money and would never be able to support me at all”.

Even after I told him all this, he still wanted to talk to me. We were IM’ing through the website and I told him I had to go a few times but this kid just didn’t listen at all. So I told him I really had to go, I was going out that night (of course I wasn’t). He asked if he could come. I told him it’d be totally weird because I was going out on a date (that I just made up in my head to stop im’ing with him). He backed off. But asked for my number to text me. I should have known this was going to be a bad idea.

I don’t understand why these youngsters like to text so much. And they continue to text you when you don’t respond. They just keep texting as if they have never texted you before. This exact same thing happened to the 23 year old too. I’m not sure if this is a coincidence or not at this point.

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